Birthdate Statistics

Birthday: November 24, 2010

Time: 1209 am

Length: 12.5 inches

Weight: 1 pound 8 ounces

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Update: Week 2

Yesterday, my little one had heart surgery. The duct didn't close with the second round of medication they gave him, so they decided that surgery would be best. Now, I say this calmly, but it was quite a surprise to us--not that he needed surgery (they'd been talking about it for days), but that it would happen so quickly. When we came in yesterday morning, the plan was to allow him to rest. When I returned from my 11 am pumping session, I was flooded with the faces of new medical team members explaining that they had an opening and they're going to do his surgery in a few hours. Jaden did well during the surgery. He has no complications, that can be seen at this point. He spent the rest of the evening still under the effects of the sedatives, unaware that mom and dad were even nearby. Jaden also had a big day aside from his surgery. They finally removed his bilirubin lights and therefore his cool shades! He actually opened his eyes for the nurse and the left eye for mom and dad. Hopefully, when he's more alert we'll get to see just how beautiful those little eyes are! Today, Jaden turns two weeks old! Oh, how my baby is growing. At birth, he weighed 690 grams and he is now a "strapping" 840 grams (nearly one pound 12 ounces). Each day we're getting closer and closer to that two pound mark. He even looks bigger at this point. His skin isn't as translucent, his limbs are thicker, his head more round. I still can't wait to hold him, only now I'm less afraid that I'll hurt him!


  1. I am so glad that we came down and got to see him when he came out from surgery...he looks so good...finally to see his entire face..and grandpap saw him for the first time...It is amazing to see that he had gained some weight since I had last been there...I can't wait to hold him either...I've waited a lonnnng time for this little guy...God was sooo good once again through out all of this...we praise Him and thank Him

  2. Having been holding you all tight in thought and prayer that Jaden continues to grow strong and that you and Joe feel the warmth from all of us thinking about you :-) I'm not sure what Jaden translates to but I would like to recommend that you find the word "warrior" next to his name in a dictionary. Lots of love to the entire family. -Betsy Elswick
