Birthdate Statistics

Birthday: November 24, 2010

Time: 1209 am

Length: 12.5 inches

Weight: 1 pound 8 ounces

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A moment of negativity from a mostly positive mom

Watching my son fight for his life everyday is grueling and painful. Not being able to hold him, to bath him, to feed him is heart breaking. I pump and it gets stored in a freezer, hopefully to be used later. There is no bonding in my breast feeding experience, no tender moments, no loving embraces. It is simply mechanical. I imagine that telling a mother who cannot, but wants to breast feed her child, how wonderful it is is like telling a paralyzed man how great it is to walk. Okay, maybe not that severe, but you hopefully get my point. In less than 2 weeks, my husband will return to Afghanistan and I will begin this journey on my own. I know that I have support and love and prayers everywhere and for that I am grateful. However, nothing can replace my husband's hugs or his total understanding of my needs! He is my very best friend and I will greatly miss him. I will then have to sit idly by as the two people I love most in this world fight their own specific battles so that they may come home to me.


  1. Thank you for sharing how you really feel. It guides our prayers. (And brings tears to our eyes)
    Love you, dear friend.

  2. You are the wife and mother of soldiers, and you a soldier yourself. I wish that I could take this pain and struggle for you, however all I can do is support you and pray for all of you. You are not alone, Leann, however I can imagine where you are coming from. Stay strong, Momma; we love you all so much.
