Birthdate Statistics

Birthday: November 24, 2010

Time: 1209 am

Length: 12.5 inches

Weight: 1 pound 8 ounces

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Week 6 update

Weighing in at two pounds 13 ounces, our little man has done quite a bit of growing this week! He is still 14 inches long, so the added weight has gone straight to his cheeks making them irresistibly kissable! We have been doing more and more kangaroo care this week, much to mommy's delight! Bath time is getting easier and more fun! By then end of both, he's generally sound asleep! He's up to 9 ml/hour of breast milk that has extra calories added to it so help him grow faster. Jaden did pull out his breathing tube again so they did need to re-intubate him. I honestly lost track on the number of times he's had a new tube placed. They've also gave him albuterol for two days to open up his airways more. The theory is that his bronchi are clamping down on his breathing tube making it impossible to breathe. The doctors feel that this is the reason for his severe brady spells. He's done so much better since the albuterol; so much so that he will continue to be weaned from the ventilator. The goal is to have him back on the CPAP machine by early next week. He still has some brady spells, but he can usually bring himself right out of them and when he has then during kangaroo time, I just rub his back and he comes right out of them. No more severe spells that freak his mommy out! He does have a new cover on his isolet that completely blackens out the light. Jaden LOVES it. He rests so much more with it on. And although it is harder to watch him sleep, it is quite nice to see him relaxed! The main focus, as always, is just let him grow, grow, grow!

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