Birthdate Statistics

Birthday: November 24, 2010

Time: 1209 am

Length: 12.5 inches

Weight: 1 pound 8 ounces

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy "one week" birthday, Jaden

Today, Jaden turned a week old. This week was filled with ups and downs, but today was a good day. He remained stable with no major scares or changes to his status. For the first time in three days, mom and dad were able to breathe a little more. The doctors are changing his antibiotics to cover as many "bugs" as possible. His cultures are not showing an infection at this point, but they're trying to tackle anything possible. His chest tube has been turned off, with the hope that his collapsed lung has again improved so it can be removed. The plan is to continually wean him off the ventilator. We may see him back on the CPAP this weekend. I can only imagine the look on my face when the doctor told me this, as he quickly began to explain the importance of this huge step for Jaden. We need to allow him to control his own breathing as soon as possible, even if it feels for mom and dad that they move a little too fast. Understanding the need for something does not make it easier to prepare for. However, prepare for it, we will--survive it, we will--pray for peace, patience, and safety, we will!

1 comment:

  1. The day that I went to visit, I heard an amazing sermon on BET. The preacher was saying how what some consider an ER is not a traumatic event for believers, it is simply a change in events; that God prepares us for these changes without us realizing it. I found it appropriate and meant to share it with you, however forgot to while I was down there. You all can do this, Momma, and I am so proud of you for your strength. <3 We love you guys; high five, Baby Jaden!
