Birthdate Statistics

Birthday: November 24, 2010

Time: 1209 am

Length: 12.5 inches

Weight: 1 pound 8 ounces

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Enemas, Chest tubes, and Transfusions: Oh My

Jaden had a long, but successful day today. His enema went well. They weren't able to get it through his whole colon, but it should be improving within the next few days. They removed his chest tube--this tube was originally placed in his right side to keep pressure in his collapsed lung in order to keep it open. It has been turned off for the past two days, so the doctors felt comfortable enough to remove it. He will receive x-rays throughout the night to follow the progress of his enema as well as changes in his lungs. Late this evening he began another transfusion. He is much lower than he needs to be, so we're expecting many transfusions in the future. For an adult this is a busy day, but for a "micro-premie" it's a huge ordeal. And for the parents of a "micro-premie" it's a LONG day! But when I left a few minutes ago, he was sleeping soundly in his bed and with that thought I will fall into my pillow and sleep soundly--well for the next three hours, and then I have a date with a breast pump, lol!


  1. I tear up when I read what you heart aches and yet I praise God all the while..for He is good and He is taking such good care of our lil fighter and his parents...

  2. Oh, the midnight dates with the pump! I remember those all too well, and I only had to do that for a month or so. So much harder to wake up to a pump than to wake up to a hungry baby!

    Hope today was less stressful than yesterday! Hugs!
