Birthdate Statistics

Birthday: November 24, 2010

Time: 1209 am

Length: 12.5 inches

Weight: 1 pound 8 ounces

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

3 month Update!

My darling Jaden is 3 months old today! I cannot believe how this time has simultaneously flown by and dragged on! He has come so far in these past 12 weeks and I am so very proud of his progress. Although he measures below the 10th (and sometimes 5th) percentile for children his age, his growth is nothing short of amazing. He is now 16.5 inches long and a hefty 5 pounds! Jaden has already started growing out of his tiny clothes.He is now in a crib and on straight oxygen at 1/8 flow! He has been eating from a bottle for several weeks now, but has only been without his feeding tube for a few days. His feeds were pretty scary for a while--full of brady spells, apnea, choking, etc. He's been suffering from acid reflux and anemia. They've given him rice cereal for a few days to help prevent the milk from refluxing. It seems to have soothed him a great deal. Today he will start oatmeal for this purpose. He had a blood transfusion on Sunday which has all but eliminated his brady spells. He is able to keep his O2 sats up as well now! He had an eye exam on Monday that shows he is borderline for Retinopathy of Prematurity. He'll have a repeat exam on Tuesday to determine if the laser surgery is necessary or if it will improve itself. His eyes have slowly gotten worse over the past month, so we're pretty nervous that he'll need the surgery. He'll also get circumcised this week sometime as well which I'm sure will lead to a very cranky baby! Otherwise, he's a beautiful baby who LOVES to cuddle and hates his diaper being changed!

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