Birthdate Statistics

Birthday: November 24, 2010

Time: 1209 am

Length: 12.5 inches

Weight: 1 pound 8 ounces

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

3 month Update!

My darling Jaden is 3 months old today! I cannot believe how this time has simultaneously flown by and dragged on! He has come so far in these past 12 weeks and I am so very proud of his progress. Although he measures below the 10th (and sometimes 5th) percentile for children his age, his growth is nothing short of amazing. He is now 16.5 inches long and a hefty 5 pounds! Jaden has already started growing out of his tiny clothes.He is now in a crib and on straight oxygen at 1/8 flow! He has been eating from a bottle for several weeks now, but has only been without his feeding tube for a few days. His feeds were pretty scary for a while--full of brady spells, apnea, choking, etc. He's been suffering from acid reflux and anemia. They've given him rice cereal for a few days to help prevent the milk from refluxing. It seems to have soothed him a great deal. Today he will start oatmeal for this purpose. He had a blood transfusion on Sunday which has all but eliminated his brady spells. He is able to keep his O2 sats up as well now! He had an eye exam on Monday that shows he is borderline for Retinopathy of Prematurity. He'll have a repeat exam on Tuesday to determine if the laser surgery is necessary or if it will improve itself. His eyes have slowly gotten worse over the past month, so we're pretty nervous that he'll need the surgery. He'll also get circumcised this week sometime as well which I'm sure will lead to a very cranky baby! Otherwise, he's a beautiful baby who LOVES to cuddle and hates his diaper being changed!

Monday, February 7, 2011

High hopes!

Life as a NICU mother is draining. It could empty me of all hope, and moreover all happiness, if I'd let it. Hope is what drives me through mud slick track I spend circling each week racing for the finish line. Hope wakes me up each morning and allows me to fall asleep each night. And hope is a gift. It is my gift, from God,  allowing my positivity and even my sanity to survive this journey. Without God, I have no hope. Without hope, I am lost. Whether my hope rises for an improvement in my son's daily abilities or in the reality of his homecoming, allow me to have it. Do not stand in hope's way. It is up and it will remain up, even when you tell me not to leave it there. My spirit may bruise for a moment should my hope be set, momentarily, too high, but it will heal. I will readjust my hope as needed and with it, I will persevere. Jaden deserves a mom full of hope and that hope, that survival gift from God, will help me bring him home!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Roller Coaster

There's something to be said about bad days in the NICU. The meaning of them changes the healthier your child  becomes. The first days of Jaden's life were the hardest on me. I was overcome with so many emotions; my body going crazy from the swift change in hormones, my mind racing to make sense of what just happened, my heart in constant fear of being broken. Back then a day he was still alive was a great day, even in all its roughness. I lived in a constant flux of fear and happiness.

As time passed, I became more relaxed. I learned to enjoy the small moments of normalcy we began to experience. The grand moments were that much more treasured. From the first time I held him to the first time I dressed him in his tiny clothes, nothing went uncelebrated. But throughout that time, the roller coaster ride of life in the NICU raced on. Bad days ran the gamut of collapsed lungs, failed extubation attempts, infection scares and backslides with breathing machines. Thankfully, the good days occur more often. Good days are the slow, clanking, metal part of the roller coaster ride, propelling us through the twists and turns and even dark tunnels of the rest of the ride. They give us momentum and without them we'd never leave the gate. 

As we get closer to a time when Jaden will join us at home, His bad days are less frequent. However, they still shake me as they always have. Today was a bad day for my little one. When they couldn't get him to breathe enough or get his heart rate up they had to bag him.--I'm sure you've seen ER or Grey's so you know what I mean--It took quite a while to get him back to normal and even after that, his brady spells were still much bigger than they've been. I was concerned to say the least.

And so I looked for the next slow, clanking, metal part of the track. It didn't need it to be too big as the finish line is already in site. I just needed a little more momentum. And then it came--our small moment that got me through the day and propelled me to tomorrow. My little man completed his first whole bottle. Not only that, but he did it without a brady spell. And better yet, I was feeding him. We had done it together! He smiled. I smiled. God smiled down on us. And our ride continued on.